Saturday, September 27, 2008

Unconditional ஐஐஐ...

27 September 2oo8

Went college AGAIN... Yar, its saturday, and i'm in college again.. =.=""" Replacement class for dunno what lar.. I guess, its for raya.. So lame.. Public holiday also need to replace.. ZZzzz I rather no holiday!

Some more 4 hours lea... Butt pain... =( Replacement at Block A today... =.="" Emo... haha... Anyway, I prefer that block.. More organized, in a way.. Our... Errr... Now lagi teurk, sharing with a levels.. Boohooo.... And we'll be moving to wisma soon. Really crap.. Dunno how are they gonna fit 200 students for lecture. The rooms are so small that they can barely fit 50 of us for tutorial lor..... Some more i heard they gonna sell off main block.. My gosh!! That's the nicest building lor... =.="" No comment..

Class is kinda draggy and boring... Then towards the end, watched a movie, which i don't know the title, a funny wan tho. So, okay lar.. At least not 4 hours pure lecture... I saw 2 WRS cars today... ZZzzz and also my eyes twitched again... Arggghhhh...... (God, what's this?)

Come back, sleep! ahahhahaha... Very tired lea... Nothing much bout today lor.. 4 hours gone for lecture, 1 hour eating, 2 hours for sleeping. Wake up also 5.30 dy lor. Theen go church and dinner. And now i'm back.. Hmmm...

My leg wasn't as pain as what i imagine it to be.. =) Just a little pain only.. =) But my right arm... =.=""" Move a bit also pain.. Hahaha... Hope tomoro's dance will be more of footwork... =S

I think i will be playing on9 game a while.. Hahaha... Then do my journal. And mayb glance through the ptptn requirements? Aiyo, see that thing also stress lar.. Booohoooo!!

Tomoro have to tidy my room abit dy... =S

Fishing for your love......
Where has it gone to???

i loved you, i am loving you and i will still love you....

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